Welcome to the Educational Resource, where you can access a range of activities and guides for children and young people enthusiastic about film.
Activity is broken up into three sections:
Watch - where you’ll find three screenings to watch
Review - a guide to support students reviewing films
Make - a guide to support filmmaking activity
Oska Bright Film Festival will take place in 2024 we hope to see you there!
If you have any questions or need any assistance with anything here, please contact Katy.
We’ve put together three short screenings, which have been programmed with different age groups in mind.
Why not watch a screening and then move onto the Review section below?
Screening for ages 9-11
Screening for ages 11-16 (SEN)
Screening for ages 16-25 (SEN)
Reviewing a film is a great way for students to express their thoughts and opinions about a film.
Click the buttons below to download the resources you need. There’s a Film Review Guide, Film Review Worksheet (Two versions available: access symbol response version and written or drawn response version) and a Film Glossary.
There is also a video tutorial, which will guide you through the process.
We’d love to see any reviews that are made, please send them to us.
How to make a film guide
Why not have a go at making a film? We’ve worked in partnership with Into Film to produce a guide for young people who are just starting out with filmmaking.
You can download this simple, easy to understand guide to making a film.
And below, you’ll find some videos which will take you through the stages of the guide.